Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dante- Epistle to Can Grande

Dante was easy for me to read through, but very difficult to understand. I tried to summarize each major point to help myself better understand it.

Dante addresses friendships and the inequality within them. Friendship is very important to Dante and is made clear when he says refers back to moral philosophy "that friendship is returned and preserved by similarity."

Dante also refers to philosophy- metaphysics...well, that right there goes over my head! It is so clear, yet so complex the point that is being made. Each thing (being) depends on something to survive. Each relationship that things have with each other lead to some sort of dependence upon another thing. This to me sounds tautological, yet makes sense...

Dante seems very poetic in his explanations and at the end of Epistle to Can Grande, I felt as if he was getting at the point that we cannot always express vocally what we see in our mind. Perhaps, in writing the imagery becomes stronger therefore it is easier to express what we see in our mind, but vocally will no talways cut it.

1 comment:

Mauro Baglieri said...

Dante's philosophy is extremely complex - it pervades the Commedia to different degrees - from the lowest (in the Inferno) to the highest (In the Paradiso). The most fascinating is perhaps his combination of mysticism and rationality - faith and knowledge converge on a single point: God, the centre of the universe - Thomas Aquinas is the greatest philosopher of the century and I think, the key to understanding Dante's metaphisics.